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Hook-ups happen between members of the airline crew. “Actually, he’s the pilot,” she shot back, before the marshal beat a retreat to his seat. “It’s not like your husband is here,” he said to her in a final attempt to bed her on board. Supposedly on the plane to protect passengers after 9/11, he repeatedly hassled a female crew member for sex.

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The same article told how an air marshal was trying to pack more than his pistol on one flight. In an article in Cosmopolitan magazine, one flight attendant recalled how a Hollywood hunk headed to the bathroom with his female “manager” and kept hitting the call button with his bum while the rest of first-class were trying to get some shut-eye. “But eventually the crew resorted to sitting between them for the rest of the flight.”Ĭelebrities are at it, too, it seems. “We played good cop, good cop – trying to reason with them,” she said. She told Compare Travel Insurance she once had to help restrain two first-class flyers who were determined to get it on without even bothering to hide in the plane bathroom. Natalie Smith, who worked as cabin crew for Virgin Atlantic, decided to spill the beans about her three-year stint flying the flag for Sir Richard Branson.

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Former Virgin Atlantic flight attendant Natalie Smith.

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